Of Sustenance, Sentiment, and Savory Challenges
Reminiscing about favorite foods from my Pakistan childhood and a culinary “treat” that swarmed into Lahore one Spring… Ah…FOOD! A most satisfying excuse for gathering
Reminiscing about favorite foods from my Pakistan childhood and a culinary “treat” that swarmed into Lahore one Spring… Ah…FOOD! A most satisfying excuse for gathering
One of the delights of growing your own veggies…or frequenting your local farmers markets is discovering NEW-old ‘Heirloom’ vegetables. Or modern improved hybrid veggies from
We Appreciate You being FigsWithBri readersand an important part of our lives. May 2010 bring out the BEST in each of us. ~ Cynthe
WE always bake some sort of special holiday cookies for Christmas…to nibble…and give away as gifts. Christmas 1998. This particular year, I decided to give
Marc, Bill & I wish all our FWB readers, who celebrate the U.S. ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday a wonderful gathering with your families & friends tomorrow. And
It’s been a year today, since we said ‘Good-bye.’ Has felt fast….and interminably slow all at once. Time’s SO weird. Like Bri’s Aunt Victoria commented
BIRTHS, GRADUATIONS, WEDDINGS, and DEATHS are family affairs. Our American culture, generally speaking, has a weird relationship with death. We deny it. Live like we’ll
~ Am planning to make candied citrus peels & slices for the holidays, so we should have a small supply of Meyer Lemon & Orange
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Copyright 2021, Figs with Bri, Cynthe Brush