The Heirloom Seed Expo (Santa Rosa, CA)

the 2013 heirloom seed expo graphic

For the past three years along with the change of seasons, September has ushered in a most amazing national food extravaganza ~ The Heirloom Seed Exposition ~ at the Sonoma county’s fairgrounds (Santa Rosa, CA).

2013’s mid-week fair is happening right now! Today’s the final day of three. If you’re anywhere near by and like growing your own delicious fruits and veggies or eating authentic, non-GE / GMO foods…come on by. Tickets are only $10 for adults (over 18). Kids (17 and younger) are FREE.

I’m participating in this year’s fair in two ways:
1) As a volunteer with Sonoma County’s LabelGMOs ~ We have a huge educational booth in the ‘Mexican Village’ area. (Look for our LabelGMOs article in a day or two.)

farm produce art prints gourmet preserves heirloom seed expo display
Our SpringMoon Farm & Produce Art Prints, a selection of prize-winning, hand-crafted Gourmet Preserves, and our ‘Food Is Love’ Calendar with seasonal recipes are on display at the 2013 Heirloom Seed Expo.

2) And as an exhibitor in the Hall of Flowers, where a prize-winning selection of our hand-crafted Gourmet Preserves, our 2013 ‘Food Is Love’ Calendar with seasonal recipes, and a gathering of SpringMoon D’Gravure Art Prints (digital photo etchings) with farm and fresh produce themes are on display.

prize-winning hand-crafted preserves, food calendars and art prints on display

I’m considering participating as a 2014 Heirloom Seed Expo vendor, to sell our preserves and calendars to fair goers. To sell at a public venue like the expo and local artisan fairs, I’ll need to be certified as a California Cottage Food Industry producer.

SPECIAL NOTICE for the Heirloom Seed Expo Jam Fan(s), who helped themselves to 6 jars of our totally irresistible jams. When I came to pack up this evening, shortly after closing, the jars were missing…without a kind note of thanks or an email of appreciation.The display jams were not for sale at the venue. And there was no sign on the display indicating they were FREE either. All sales are done by prior arrangement in person.If you have recently been ‘gifted’ one of the following FigsWithBri preserves: White Lady Peach & Strawberry8oz ~ $12, Meyer Lemon Jelly 8oz ~ $10, ‘Muscat Grape Jelly’ 4oz ~ $7, ‘Golden Plum Jam with Vanilla & Brandy’ 4oz ~ $7, ‘Ruby Goodness Plum’ 8oz ~ $12, and/or ‘Sweet Lemony Zucchini Creme’ 4oz~ $7…at the very least we’d appreciate a taste testers review in the comments below. Even nicer, would be a check towards making more of our delicious preserves! Thanks.
prize-winning hand-crafted gourmet preserves
Plum & Apricot-Plum jams, Muscat grape & lemon jellies, Peach & Pineapple and Lychee & Lemon marmalades, and a creamy Zuchinni spread are part of our Heirloom Seed Expo display.

We already sell direct to family, friends, and others…who savor slow food and hand-crafted pure food products with exceptional flavor and quality. I’m finishing up a catalog of our current preserves selection, designing labels for the newest 2013 creations, and taking product photos with the goal of launching an on-line store by the end of the month. Then, I’ll be designing several 2014 Calendars…so keep us in mind for special gifts and the up-coming winter holidays!

ANNOUNCING: The 2014 ‘Food Is Love’ Recipe Calendar is ready for orders. (See links below.)

e2013 FWB CALcover food is love 2013 calendar pages thumbnails
Thumbnail page samples from our 2013 ‘Food Is Love’ Calendar.

Here are links to  our current Prize Winning Preserves Listing (2oz-$5, 4oz-$7, 8oz-$10 to $15) and the 2014 ‘Food Is Love’ Calendar ($30). Looking forward to sharing these wonderful items with you!

food is love january calendar page
January’s photo & recipe from our 2013 ‘Food Is Love’ calendar.

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