A woman about an hour from me responded to my Craigslist.com ad regarding seasonal, vegetarian personal chefing. We hit it off, and today I dropped off her first delivery of food. I was so excited to share all the goodies I had gotten for her at the farmers market. When I got there we chatted about my passion, food, but also her passion, Western astrology. She made some very astute comments about me, and explained things in ways I’d never quite heard before. Here’s her sit.
So, here are some of the things I put together for her since she doesn’t have the time to grocery shop and cook. Since figs are so amazingly in season right now, figs and Brie cheese were an obvious and scrumptious choice. I also roasted some red bell peppers and then stewed them in balsamic vinegar and olive oil with some garlic cloves. Those, with the crusty local whole wheat sour dough and Brie…also fabulous.
I began my love for lemon cucumbers and old fashioned Thompson seedless grapes as a kid. Those were a must as well. I trimmed some green beans so that they were all prepped to be rinsed and steamed when she’s in the mood for them. I roasted some cute little fingerling potatoes, and also made mini frittatas with goat cheese, sauteed mushrooms, zucchini and onion, and home grown oregano. The crisp and sweet cameo apples have just come in season and are delish, so I threw in a few of those as well.
All and all, I was really happy with what I presented to her and she was excited and pleased as well. It feels so good to share my gifts with a new client who really appreciates what I have to offer. She is a cool person too, which is always a great bonus. I should have gotten a picture of all of it, but in my exuberance to get it to her, the photo shoot didn’t happen. So, another delivery will have to be documented better.
Just look at these cute little cukes! Who wouldn’t be happy to receive these?!
4 thoughts on “Yipee! A New Personal Chefing Client”
I have never tasted lemon cukes.. They look so lovely!!!
Anh – They are tasty. They don’t taste like lemon, just look like lemon. They are sweet and juicy and refreshing as long as the skin isn’t bitter. Every once in a while, one of them is bitter.
Congratulations on the client!!!!! How exciting!
Your meals sounded fantastic too!
EJ – Thanks! It’s fun.