My dear talented friend Corie has just put up an shop (called Bead and Shuttle) of her beaded jewelry and ornaments. She is an accomplished weaver and mistress of beads. She has been generously teaching me to weave on her floor loom. So as soon as I finish the kitchen towel I’ve been working on for months, her loom will be free again for her to make (and sell) some of her woven creations again. (sorry it’s taken me so long, Corie)
Here is her Pink Lemonade beaded ornament.
Hey, it’s food related, right? A little shameless promotion for a true friend is always appropriate. So, please support her lovingly handmade work.
2 thoughts on ““Pink Lemonade” and Other Fun Holiday Gifts”
My dear friend, you were so right about the mistake on my recipe – it’s corrected now.
Thank you so much for pointing that out!
Patricia – Sure thing…we gotta look out for our friends.