2013 Double BLUE RIBBON Jam Winner!
~ This tasty jam took 1st Place at both the 2013 Marin & Sonoma County Fairs. Yummy! The peachy flavor comes through the strawberry-ness. Even folks who don’t like strawberry jam much, think this is a ‘winning’ combination. Evidently, it is!!
JULY 2012
‘White Lady’ Peach & Strawberry Jam (GMO Free)
8oz~$12 ea OS*, 4oz~$7ea, 2oz Gift Basket sampler Jars~$5ea OS*
*OS Out-of-Stock Making more SOON!
[add_to_cart item=”JM-SP” quantity=”user:1″ ]
July’s been a jammin’ month! Summer fruits are at peak abundance. Warm-to-hot daytime temperatures make our farm market purchases ripen quickly.
Overflowing our counter top baskets, filling the house with enticing fragrances, the stone fruits – apricots, plums, peaches, nectarines, and plumcot/pluot/aprium crosses – tomatoes, and avocados demand we eat them or preserve them within a few days.
The last delicate ‘White Lady’ peaches were softening into succulent juiciness filling the kitchen corner with summery perfume. Three pint baskets of organic strawberries were approaching over-ripe in the refrigerator…the time to use them was NOW.
Strawberry jam happens not to be one of my favorites (I prefer strawberries sweet and raw), but it is considered a jam ‘classic.’ Always keen for a flavor twist away from ordinary, I thought why not combine them?!!
Our favorite fruit vendors, Brenda and her husband, can’t even sell all they bring to the farm markets, so the overflow is donated to Salvation Army for food kitchen. Even the food kitchens get overwhelmed with summertime’s abundance and occasionally turn away the beautiful ripe, ready-to-eat fruit! Seems a shame.
Rediscovering the Art of Preserves
Making preserves and canning is what folks did in my grandparents and great-grandparents time. And what our European relatives with gardens still do, where produce is tied to the seasons and locale. And where too much of a good harvest, gets preserved. What a delight to eat hand-crafted fruit jam in the dead of winter or to add bright orange winter squash to a springtime soup…
Happily, enthusiastic cooks of younger, and not-so-young generations are rediscovering how easy, creative, and satisfying making preserves can be. Several delightful food blogs are dedicated to the ‘art of jam’ (see resources listed at the end of this article). You can find numerous books on preserving. Everyone has their favs. Some are considered kitchen library standards.
My favorite jam recipes come from old-fashioned cookbooks purchased in my teenage years, others from my parents’ era, and a few written by European or Australian authors because the recipes don’t use commercial pectin. I’m an au naturel* gal preferring to cook with authentic, wholesome, organic or non-sprayed, ingredients just as nature makes them. My preserves & recipes only use pectin from their fruit ingredients. No packaged pectin to dilute the fruity goodness!
*au naturel French [literally: in (a) natural (condition)]
adj & adv
1. naked; nude
(No. I don’t cook in the nude….though I do like to swim nude in appropriate locations.)
2. (Cookery) uncooked or plainly cooked
(I prefer genuinely creative, home-style, cuisine, not overly fussy, and definitely NOT plain.)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged
© HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003
Gourmet Preserves Artisan-Crafted in Small Batches

With SO much interest in my old-fashioned, no pectin added, gourmet preserves, we’ve started ‘putting-up’ jars to sell on a first-come first-served basis.
JULY 2012
‘White Lady’ Peach & Strawberry Jam (GMO Free)
8oz~$12 ea OS, 4oz~$7ea, 2oz Gift Basket sampler Jars~$5ea OS*
*OS Out-of-Stock Making more SOON!
[add_to_cart item=”JM-SP” quantity=”user:1″ ]
GMO Free INGREDIENTS: White Peaches (or Nectarines), Organic Strawberries, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic (or non-spray) tart red/pink crab apple juice OR 1/2 cup lemon juice for pectin & Love.
For MULTIPLE jar orders, select applicable Priority Mail shipping rate (see list below) in the cart for the 1st jar. Select FREE shipping for additional jars or the shipping fee will be overcharged.
Priority Mail, MEDIUM Flat Rate box ~ $17.35
Includes handling, insurance and delivery confirmation (Up to 3-8oz jars OR up to 6-4oz jars OR an assortment with a few 2oz Gift Basket sampler jars.)
Priority Mail, LARGE Flat Rate box ~ $23.75
Includes handling, insurance and delivery confirmation (Up to 6-8oz jars OR 9-4oz jars OR a combination of 4oz+ 8oz jars…email us with the preserves you’re considering, so we can see what fits.)
FREE for Local Orders
Pick-Up at our Santa Rosa, CA address. Email for directions and to coordinate a time.
We’re happy to do international shipments, too. Will research those costs if you express interest via an email or leave a inquiry in the comments.
Watch for our 2015 Food Is Love Recipe Calendar in October ~ a wonderful wedding, house-warming or winter holiday gift.
Our cookbook: ‘Prize-Winning Preserves’ is in the works for release in 2015. Keep an eye out for it!
3 thoughts on “Blue Ribbon Jam: White Peach & Strawberry Jam (Conserve) ~ Takes two 2013 Blues!”
Looks like a wonderful recipe – I so look forward to canning again when I retire from retail – am printing out this recipe for my files!
Hi! Bernideen ~ Strawberries dominate the flavor in this recipe. So if you want the peaches to come through I’d change the proportions, using the strawberries for a hint of flavor. Don’t have time to make another batch now and am about to go on vacation. Not sure peaches will still be in season when I get back (sigh).
A batch of ‘no pectin added’ jam like I make takes about 2-3hrs start to finish, including prep & clean-up. I do it as I’m inspired by seasonal fruits. Some fruit ends up spoiling before I can find the time to cook it up…that goes into my garden compost pile, so it’s not totally wasted. Though I always have regrets that I didn’t get to it. Enjoy your jam-making when you have a chance again! Thanks for coming by.
thank you!!!! the strawberry-peach was delicious– sweet and juicy, with a wonderful texture.