The Spiral Trials: Cookie Frosting Fun
This is a follow-up post to both Preserving Magic and Italian Ricotta Cheese Easter Cookies. I was not totally pleased with my frosting glaze application
This is a follow-up post to both Preserving Magic and Italian Ricotta Cheese Easter Cookies. I was not totally pleased with my frosting glaze application
Traditional Italian Ricotta Cheese Easter Cookies decorated with Vanilla Glaze & Candied Lemon Slices (An eggless adaptation from Linda K’s recipe on * *
This is my entry for the Spring ~ APRIL 2009 Click! Photo Event. (Recipe adapted from “Almond Macaroon Nests” by Brenda [TYMEGJUS3] on First
With a surfeit of Meyer lemons from our little trees, had to figure out what to do with them… Actually, it’s quite fun coming up
We ~ culinary creatives ~ may take both chemistry and magic for granted. Working with primordial elements of Fire, Water, (produce from the) Earth, Air
Well maybe not AT the Oscars, exactly. More like watching them in my PJs. Marc and I love movies. We usually watch at least part
 Enticing image from their site Have you seen my favorite show? I’m in love with PBS’s “Gourmet’s Diary of a Foodie“. Covering the vast
My internet connection has been intermittently down all week, and I neglected my posting duties. So, rather than writing, we took some hikes, (it was
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